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Showing posts from June, 2010

21 laps for Uganda prayer-walk

During the week I felt an increasing urge to pray for Uganda. More specific for the area around Moyo in the North; an area that has been in war for over 20 years. The people are displaced and in need of many services and supplies. The first week first week of August will see a 3-day crusade in that area, and a visit to 2 camps for distributing clothes and supplies to many, many displaced families. "Winds of Holy Fire" and "Redemption Ministries International"-ministry teams will also be ministering to orphans and widows. I cannot go (I think) - but I will pray. On Saturday I was ready to start off on a long prayer-walk, to intercede and also to discuss with God what is on His heart... And how to pray and what to pray for. I planned this prayer-walk a little in the sense that I wanted to walk around one of the most modern athletic tracks in the area. I felt to take a pen and a note pad, and every time I completed a lap, I would stop and write down what the Lord said.

Walk-with-God prayer-walk

During race-walk training, I did one of my personal best times today. That is the boring version of my testimony of God's goodness... Here is the exciting version: As I passed the 8km mark I was in a bit of a competitive battle with 3 other athletes. Thoughts went through my head about my position - relative to the others. One was a bit ahead, the other almost next to me and the other just behind. The time-trial was too competitive for chatting, and we were training too hard anyway. So I just talked with the Lord as we went along. I explained to the Lord how I understand the positioning of the other athletes. I think the Holy Spirit laid on my heart to ask the following: "Lord, one athlete is there in the front the other here and another behind... but Lord ... where exactly are you walking in this race?" "Lord, if I race-walk like this, where are You walking ...?" He astounded me by gently whispering this into my heart: I am right in front of you... I am on your