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Showing posts with the label Million stats

Grace to forgive prayer-walk

On my morning prayer-walk (winter is here - brrr), I was praying for motorists as they were passing by. As usual, this was done in an inconspicuous way. (I am still praying for the 1 million people in New Zealander to be saved. Since 6 November 2006, I have prayed for 115 157 motorists. (Distance walked: 876 km). I keep combined statistics here: Prayer and adwalks database It is about 2 months now since the Holy Spirit started prompting me to be sensitive while interceding for motorists, because He would lay on my heart specific things to pray for as specific people would pass by. Bearing into a light icy wind, as I was walking up a hill, with some vehicles passing by, I was in an instant struck by the words: "grace to forgive". I realised that, since I was praying in the spirit, it was a prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray that for someone. As I walked along, praying that for the person (only God knows who and why), I realised the profoundness of those words. It is in a way

One prayer for a whole busload - and for YOU

55,517 motorists prayed for since 6 November 2006. (Distance walked: 330 km) As I passed a bus, full of passengers, I was so encouraged to know I had a few seconds to pray for all of them. Encouraged, because I know that God (who knows the number of hairs on my head) knows the passengers each one intimately. For some He is waiting ... With some He is communing ... and in that short prayer I prayed, He could touch each one of them ... Our God is an awesome God - He who knows even the stars by name ... It is not too difficult for Him to hear a prayer for a whole busload of people and then know them by name and their needs - it is a bit mind-blowing to think about that. But it grows your faith! Psalm 147:4 (NIV)  4 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. So He knows your deepest thoughts, dear reader as I pray for you now ... Father, As I pray for this person right now, I ask that You will reach in as his/her "will" allows you now ... to touch that hea

A dizzy prayerwalk

I am currently spending about 2 hours daily on racewalk training. I use this opportunity to pray for the motorists that pass by me. The "one-in-a-million prayerwalk" is an attempt to pray for 1 000 000 individuals, while also praying for 1 000 000 to be saved in New Zealand. Yesterday's prayerwalk during peak time traffic was enough to make me quite dizzy while praying ... BUT I know the Lord knows each one of the people and I cannot pray fast and enough for each person. Some of these precious people have not been prayed for in some time - I know this in my heart. This is very encouraging for me. Since 6 November 2006 I have prayed for 27,456 motorists, and have walked a distance of 174 km . 29 Nov 2006 - Motorists: 944 Northcote / Torbay / Brownsbay - Distance walked: 10 km 28 Nov 2006 - Motorists: 2,458 East Coast Rd / Constellation Drive - Distance walked: 6 km 26 Nov 2006 - Motorists: 3,053 East Coast Rd / Constellation Drive / Sunset Drive - Distance walked: 9 km