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Showing posts from 2005

Share the prayer ...

Christmas-day prayerwalk ... 2005 Struggling in prayer right now? On Christmas day 2005, I am going on a prayerwalk; dedicated to share the prayer. So as I prepare to go out to walk and pray, I invite you to send me your prayer request, to help you to share the prayer . This is time to focus on Him for answers ... I can share your prayer, and in so doing help you pray ... but our eyes must be on Him. Our hope in Him. Lets pray ... 2 Corinthians 1:10-12 (English Standard Version) 10 He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. 11 You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. So, this Christmas, this is my gift for you ... it is free, because He has paid the price, and now we can walk in liberty. (and if you wonder where I will walk ... I plan to go out the front door, turn right and go for about 3 hours, as the Lord lays

Living in a prayer ...

That was the first challenge at daybreak ... The "13 August" prayerwalk through Brixton, Auckland Park, Melville started with challenge of opening in a prayer and not saying the usual "amen" at the end ... but keeping it for later; while then being aware that we were all "living and walking" in that prayer. (That was quite a challenge) As many people took part, so many testimonies there could be written here ... but here is mine: I up-front asked the leader of the first church what would be the thing they want prayer for, the most. Wisdom to know how to be effective in that changing society. Then the sun rose ... and off we went. As we gathered at the second church - the question was asked ... Did anyone feel to pray for something in particular. And that would be the pattern throughout the walk. AND that would be part of what we learned today - to walk and let the Lord guide us into specific areas of intercession. The second church was where we prayed for

13 Churches ... 13 August ... 13 Prayerwalks ... ONE PRAYER

Do you see the constant golden thread through this all ... ONE PRAYER "Did you feel the earth tremble when the saints together sang one song when they prayed one same prayer ..." Starting at sunrise, August 13, we will walk from church to church through Brixton, Auckland Park and Melville. There are 13 churches on the route and each section of the walk connects 2 churches. You can join in at any section walking and praying as the Lord leads you. Scroll down for the map as well as the 13 sections and time-slots. You are welcome to join in at any time-slot ... Here is space for encouraging comments. Please share with us if the Lord lays anything on your heart; by clicking on the "Comments" link below.

13 Churches ... 13 August ... ONE Prayer

I am organising a prayerwalk through a local community. I have counted and included 13 churches on the route and we will pray for each church as we pass them by. The invitation I make to members of those churches is that if they feel the area needs prayer, they can join in at any of the sections on the route. There are various distances - ranging from 100 meters onwards. A real exciting thing in this is that they may meet someone from a different church who prays the same as they do. But the most exciting will be that we will go out onto the streets, walking and talking to the Lord. Some prayers are prayed just under our breath like a whisper, some just in our thoughts and some out loud and some even in song and some even just as the Holy Spirit leads us ... I encourage them just to come and pray as they feel comfortable. I tell you this because you can be part of this ... even though many of the names on this mailing list are in countries all over the world - we know the Lord is not b

Boksburg crime at all time low

To everybody on this list, who shared in the Boksburg prayerwalk in June ... some fresh encouragement. I found this article in the Boksburg Advertiser so uplifting, not because of an increased police presence ... but because of an increase of God's presence prayed down ... and an increase of angels ... Boksburg Advertiser, 8 July 2005 Coincidence? ... Not for me! Tell me what you think.

Praying the hell out of Hillbrow

Now brother, aren't those words a little strong? no... and not even putting it lighter "Praying the HILL out of HILLbrow" may help to raise the levels of faith needed to pray for this place. Here are some teasers for those who have a little more time to read about Hillbrow: "A teeming mass of activity, Hillbrow is seen by many as a place where the entirety of South Africa's evils can be found, an epitome of drug dealings, prostitution, gangsterism, illegal immigrants, squalor and crime." and "With danger at every turn, Hillbrow is a hot spot for entertainment junkies who like to live on the edge, the most dangerous time being New Year's Eve when the streets rain with disused fridges, microwave ovens, beds, rubbish bins and electric stoves - the traditional way of ushering in the new year for flatland dwellers." and "We found that there are cases where 7-12 people are living in a bachelor flat" About Hillbrow Johannesburg News Agency

Oh happy day ... for this year

Oh happy day Today, on my birthday, I drove out into the African bush. As the first red rays cut through the black night and the morning mist, I heard this song and something made me think about what I call effective marketing coincidences . Twice, in the past months, as I was listening to the radio while I was driving, an advertisement came on air at the same time I was passing a billboard with the same product in full colour right in my face. WOW that was effective. It was striking and it was very very powerful. Back to the bush, and the morning song ... Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day) When " J E S U S " washed (when " J E S U S " washed) When " J E S U S " washed (when " J E S U S " washed) When " J E S U S " washed (when " J E S U S " washed) He washed my sins away In a "magic" moment, as the word " J E S U S " came through the loud speakers, the red glimmering sun on

Carry HIS fire ...

Lord make us instruments ... of YOUR PEACE ... And Lord, make me a catalyst of YOUR change. Where-ever I go - I want to be instrumental in bringing HIS peace to the situation. But I want more than that. When I come into a place - I want to be a catalyst of change. HIS change. Where people have been lousy to change according to your will - I want to be the catalyst to them catching a wake-up. And doing what they should. Lord if I truly bring your presence into a situation - things are bound to change. Where people are living in sin - I want the Lord's conviction to touch people when I speak to them - even as I am not addressing those issues. I have seen it twice in really big ways in the past 2 months. Now I am hungry for more. It is an adventure walking with the Lord. Specially when we stand back and watch HIM sort things out. Lord make us instrumental in your change make us bold to go places where people need Your love Your peace Your change and YOUR hugs just use us Lord in Jes

HIS global love

The Lord has just blessed me by revealing a sweet piece of His wonderful love. I recieved an email from someone just about on the other side of the globe from where Africa is. Someone there read my account of the prayerwalk in Denmark and among other things that had an effect of coming back to right standing with God. I am quoting from the mail: "Jesus is back in my life, He is once again my loving guiding Master. I praise God for not giving up on me and for working so hard to find me, the lost sheep" Here dear friend - is my picture for you ... and may the Lord bless you richly as you follow HIM close now. To think - the Lord sent me from Africa to Denmark to turn around someones life on the other side of the planet. Lord we just praise you. amen

Kicking up a storm

Prayerwalking around a soccer field can score you some great insights. This evening, as I prayerwalked (afrowalked) around the field where several very young soccer teams were training, I was immediately struck by one coach. He was just giving his whole heart in the training session. His whole attitude was that of training a winning team - and the team seemed eager to learn all he had to offer. Some other trainers seemed to be there just because someone needed to do the job. Same with our ministries. Do you know what your specific ministry in the body of Christ is? Are you waiting to get "good" or "holy" enough before you will move into some ministry? Now is the best time to get involved in your future ministry. That is if you know what it is ... You have a valuable role to play, serving in His body here on earth. Do you know in which ministry you fit in? Or is your ministry a new exciting one that still needs to be explored? My prayer is that you will be encouraged

Selfnature to ashes ... to beauty

I still ponder on this. I went for a walk thinking about a comment on yesterday's post: ... When we choose to walk in the Spirit we put the selfnature to death, it becomes Ashes, so that the fruit of the Spirit, His Beauty, can be seen in us and touch the lives of many... In Boksburg or where-ever we go. (Inge Lyck, Denmark) This is such a simple principle. I know it can go with lots of tears. But when we come to the point of dying to self-nature, when we decrease - then God in us can increase and we can live powerful lives. Bearing the fruit of the spirit. Profound hey. Now this is a real challenge to walk into. Are you in some way challenged? Lord I pray for this challenge that You just gave to us. Lord let us walk into it with boldness. Believing You will take our ashes, and turn it into beauty. Lord please help us to die more to self-nature so You will be more visible in our lives. In your name Lord Jesus. Amen

3 Prayerjumpers

You don't have to be within the boundaries of your ministry for the Lord to speak to you. Sometimes He will take you right out of your normal day to day activities, and from the outside, look at your ministry with you and show you some exciting things. I had a day off after the week of walking at Boksburg lake. I was taking a relaxing bath and the Lord started to speak things into my heart. I have noticed something great in the past few weeks. Prayerwalking is such a powerful tool for a christian. I have been priviledged to get testimonies by email and also from people telling me personaly how their personal spiritual lives have been turned around by just reading about the prayerwalks here or by joining in the walking. The Lord has touched people and drawn them to a closer spiritual understanding and spiritual walk with Him. I just thank you for that Lord. I pray that You will touch each person reading this page right now. Lord I pray that the noise of the world and the deadline

Day 7: Ashes to Beauty, Boksburg

3. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 (King James Version) (KJV) We had a wonderful time of worship at our church this evening where we used pen and paper to express our worship to God. The challenge was firstly to think back of a recent encounter we had with the Lord, and then to draw or write what we remember. I had a distinct moment, which I want to share with you here. I was on the 2nd last round of the final day 7-round prayerwalk around the lake when I saw 4 people around a fire just getting some heat - and I realised that fire was made to last a short while for heating only - and I knew they didn't have food. I was a way past them when I asked the Lord if I should buy them some food from the local foodsellers. Then I started discussing this

Area alert ... (no comments)

I saw this sign about 3km from the lake.

Day 6: The young and innocent

Lift up the youth. Pray for them and let them in on the things of the Lord. Train them up in the secret ways that bring closeness to God. Explain in love who God is and how to approach HIM. Give them a safe surrounding to learn. Teach them about closeness, patience and love, so they will understand the Lord's closeness, patience and love. Today I have the youth on my heart. As I walk around the lake this day - I carried my daughter on my shoulders. I was just touched by the innocence and the openness of the youth. So by praying for the youth we have to include the caregivers, the teachers and anyone involved in training them up. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tomorrow, Sunday, is the day of walking around the lake 7 times. This is not an organised event, and whoever feels to go, can walk all or part of the 7 roundabouts at any time they arrive at the lake. And remember - we also are joined by friends from around the world in the spirit in this one ... even people

Day 5: Expectant silence

I see in the spirit lots of dirt and grime. It is not very obvious because of the darkness that prevails. I see the light seeping through from outside. The more the lights seeps through, the clearer we can recognise what is dirt and what is good. The greatest revelation I get in this is that we only have to channel the light in. The LIGHT is God in all HE is: Father Son and Holy Spirit. And HIS mere presence will drive the dirt and grime away. We are vessels to usher in His holiness, His love, His light, His way of thinking, His way of caring, His way of supporting, His way of uplifting. I sense Him wiating for our prayers for Boksburg. I am excited with you - and I look forward to Sunday, when there will be lots of prayer for Boksburg. And if you pray, will you also just burst out in praise and worship. I want to add this scripture from 2 Thessalonians 1 (New International Version) (Paul writes to the church of the Thessalonians) 11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, t

Day 4 Sowing the Word

Today I did the walk at sunset. It felt like I could just feel God hovering - brooding - over Boksburg lake. I saw people from all walks of life and I just felt the need of the Word to get into this town. I remembered the parable of the farmer sowing the word. I feel there is prayer needed for the people to be receptive for hearing the word. BUT there is also prayer needed for the sowing of the word. For people to be bold and to trust the Lord however He leads them to do it. And then they will see a crop - 30, 60 or even a hundredfold.


Thank you for this Sylvia: I heard things about pools in the desert. Water is so special in the word. Jesus is the living water. The lake is so beautiful (and your sunrises!). I was looking at isaiah 35. You have this lovely lake but the people and the land are so dry but God will put pools in the desert places - his living water into the hearts of the people. He will bring life where there is no life. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters the sea. The lake is a glimpse of the covering. Is it your sunrise. The king is coming. and this is great, thanks Andrew: I pray that your obedience will truly shatter the darkness over Boksburg, that once again people will behold the beauty of the Son. Be encouraged: John G. Lake & William Bramen prophesied the "next great outpouring of the Holy Spirit would spring from Boksburg!". Lord let your glory fall!

Day 3: Honest but hard words

I cannot really get over the challenge that the Lord laid on my heart at Boksburg lake yesterday. He led me to a part of the lake where the water was deep, dark and dirty ... very dirty. Ohhh, did I mention it is icy cold too! As I stood there looking down into the unpleasant water, I felt Him ask me in the spirit ... If you want to clean this up, how dirty are you willing to get. Are you willing to get your fingertips dirty, or are you willing to jump in with everything you are, and get really smothered with the dirty water while you clean up the mess? So in the spirit world ... How willing are we to get involved. Willing to get our spiritual fingers wet? OR willing to jump in and be available 100% in every area the Lord wants to use. Has me contemplating ... and now hopefully you too. (smile ... sorry) This day I got a clear word that I want to share with you. I believe in my heart this is something that we should pray for, for Boksburg. I will say it as honest as I can, without co

Day 2: Silence is Golden (sunrays)

This "silence thing" has some effect all the way through all levels of my life. As I set out on the 50km journey to the lake this morning, I didn't feel like switching on the radio. It was as if I was getting into the "listen"-mode. mmm Maybe more a mode of being aware of God's presence. And on the way He started to speak into my heart some things that I only fully understood while I was walking around the lake. As I was driving, the day was just breaking. Now this is not tourism talk BUT you won't understand fully what I mean by a beautiful ... wonderful sunrise, unless you have seen one in Africa. (smile - maybe it IS a bit of tourism mumbo jumbo) But with the few loose groups of clouds in the east, this morning was one of those spectacular sunrises. One of those where it seems the Lord painted with golden rays on each group of clouds separately, just focussing on one group at a time. Now if listening to the Lord means looking at HIM paint, then it is

Day 1: Prayerwalk without prayer

Go prayerwalking ... but please, no praying ... Sounds like something is not right. Yea, must have sounded the same for the Israelites when they came to Jericho. The Lord laid on my heart a very exciting prayerwalk, and here are the details: Go walk around Boksburg Lake once every day for six days, BUT don't pray. JUST listen what the Lord has on HIS heart to be prayed for, for Boksburg. On the seventh day, PRAY as you walk around the dam 7 times. Please join me as I go on this adventure. Most of the recipients of this invitation will only be able to join in the spirit, so that is fine. Joining is easy - each day, for six days, take some time and just listen to what the Lord will say to you about what He dreams for Boksburg. Then let me know. On Sunday we will all pray those things on the lists. Those who can make it to the lake as well as those who join in the spirit will at their own times pray some life into Boksburg. On this first day of the 7 day prayerwalk, even among the noi

Boksburg Lake "7 Day Prayerwalk Challenge"

A prayerwalk with a challenge ... some from distant countries ... and some who even cannot walk will join in the spirit. Challenge your faith in a prayerwalk where we will follow similar instructions to what God gave to Joshua at Jericho. And see what God will do in Boksburg I felt the Lord lay on my heart some unique instructions for prayerwalking in Boksburg, a town just east of Johannesburg, South Africa. 2 Then the LORD said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. 3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. 4 Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. Joshua 6 - King James Version (KJV) This is what I feel in my heart Go walk around Boksburg lake once a day for 6 days ... IN SILENCE ... and on the 7th day seven times ... PRAYING !! 6 Days of silent prayerwalking

The Prayerwalk in Denmark

The Planning Go prayerwalk the Spearhead on the northern tip of Denmark ... That is what I felt the Lord prompting me to do. 5 days for approximately 90km of coastline dotted with 18 placenames on the map; in a country I have never before visited. Added to the scary fact that the Danes have also never heard of the Spearhead on the Northern part of their country ... Read more about the planning here Feedback All kitted out and ready to move into a spiritual adventure, I arrived in Hirtshals seeing the sun set over the ocean. I found a hotel to overnight and had dinner from my backpack in my room. One thing that I prepared for this walk was something I would suggest anyone who plans a walk in a country with a different language from their own ... Denmark Prayerwalk Feedback The Lord really touched me personally in this walk. I experienced a lot of healing and restoration as I walked. It is amazing that the Lord will touch you while you pray for others. He directs your prayers towards oth

How to Prayerwalk

I walk your soil ... I feel your wind ... and I breath your air I drink your water ... I meet your people ... and I bless you with my prayer How to prayerwalk. I want to emphasize at the outset that prayerwalking is firstly about the prayer ... the talking with God. If your heart is right in this, the walking will follow naturally. It does not matter how you walk but how your heart is before Him. Guidelines I don't have a 5-step plan. Prayerwalking is a very individual activity, which will differ from person to person. Here then are some basic suggestions to help you get a better understanding or maybe to motivate you to press in further than where you currently are in your spiritual walk with the Lord. Practical suggestions: First just check that your clothing and shoes are so that you wouldn't get uncomfortable. We want to concentrate on the praying. Will there be watering points, or should you carry a water bottle, or money for some treat on the way. Hats and cream for t