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Showing posts with the label middle of South Africa

Miracles that follow on the road of faith

Puzzle piece from Boshof “Uncle Theuns, who stays around the corner, is 85 and has lived here for years. He will surely be able to tell you more about the center of South Africa here in Boshof.”  I was on a prayer-walk to visit 12 alleged centers of South Africa. The aim was to determine what the impact of being the center has in each locality; and finally and how it can be understood spiritually in relation to this. Uncle Theuns listened keenly as I told him the about the prayer-walk and admitted without hesitation: "My center is Jesus". He later told me about another geographical center near Kimberley; one that was not on my list. It was a puzzle piece; and my list of geographical centers just grew to thirteen. A month later I heard that uncle Theuns passed away. I wondered if our meeting was divinely planned appointment? That puzzle piece was a legacy that I inherited from uncle Theuns. Three months later it launched me on my next prayer-walk. On a icy winter’s morning in