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‎2 weeks ago we prayed in Leratong, when I walked through the township. Here are some testimonies: ++ Prayed with woman for daughter for a job - She got a job 3 days later!! ++ Baby prayed for has started sleeping well and all through the night!! ++ And a guy from shebeen-prayer said he has seen a change in the township since I prayed for them 2 weeks ago!! ++ Prayed for guy needing money for bus to homeland - has departed on that bus 4 days later!! Thank You God!


Awesome day in His service ministering and praying in Leratong. Testimonies of answered prayer from last week's prayerwalk. And today - wow. And the wonderful team that God brought together today. Thank You God for touching so many people as we walked house to house...

Last day of Joburg Prayer-walk

Yesterday - on the last day of the of this incredible walk around Joburg, it all came together like this: I stood on a hill overlooking the whole city which took me 7 days to walk around. And then it started: Rain, hail, thunder and wind!! I saw water trickle from the side of the road. These trickles soon became streams and the streams turned into a mighty gushing of water which I couldnt cross ... and I remembered how this prayerwalk started with Ez 47. The water first ankle deep, knee deep waste deep and eventually to deep to cross ... and when it flowed into the dead sea - it made everything fresh. And I knew in my heart - mission accomplished... And I understand that unless God washes this City - it cannot be clean. So lets keep on praying.


I stand on a hill i see Joburg its raining over the south golden rays over city centre dark clouds over the east and excitement in the north ... Come Lord Jesus