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A-Z Prayer-walk [Actually Z to A]

I felt in my heart to go on a
A to Z prayer-walk (Zandspruit to Allens Nek)

The Lord laid 1 Peter 1:13-16 (The Message) on my heart as the theme:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear,
be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming
when Jesus arrives.
Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil,
doing just what you feel like doing.
You didn't know any better then; you do now.
As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way
of life shaped by God's life,
a life energetic and blazing with holiness.
God said, "I am holy; you be holy."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I started off at about half past eleven; I had a route in mind and set off in that direction. Everything was under control.
Distance, timing, route and watering points along the way all lined up...

Then the Lord spoke into my heart: "Want to turn down there? ..."

That was a surprise - and as I always say - He never orders like a army-general or sergeant; He asks like a gentle Father. And I have learned when He asks if I want to take some direction ... it often is the longer route, but the BETTER way.

I turned to the right (knowing that it was a longer way) into that dirt road with a gush of water shooting into the air.

A water pipe is in the process of being fixed, but an attachment wasn't replaced tightly which left the water just spouting into the air over the road. Sparkling clear, clean water turned into streams of mud sweeping down the dusty road.

And the Lord said: "Follow those streams"
And I knew - Something great is about to happen - and I was on the way.

I quickly learned some basic thruths:

As I passed the fresh burst of clean water - it washed off some dirt from my shoes.
5 minutes later I sploshed through heel-deep mud - that same water now made me very dirty...
  • Clean water CLEANS
  • Contaminated water CONTAMINATES

That set the theme for this prayer-walk...

Always keep to the Source. The clean, uncontaminated Word of God.
Do not mix in any ideas, wishes, plans, cultural practices which will contaminate the pure Word of God.

The unaltered, clean, clear words from the Bible - God's Word - will wash you and purify you.
It will lead you to a life of holiness.
The Word, contaminated with man-made plans, exceptions, traditions will defile you.

Remember - God said, "I am holy; you be holy."

Lord Jesus
We pray for this nation now.
We pray Lord for all the traditions and practices which have been added to the gospel
To your Word.
We pray that You will cleanse it from this nation.
Lord we can only trust in You to purify this nation. Lead us Lord in how to do our bit in making this thing right.
Yes Lord search our hearts first and show us where we have let things come into our spiritual lives and in a way defiled the stream of Your Holy Word in us.
Where have we compromised?
Show even as we see these words right now Lord.
We want to be holy.
Sanctify us Lord.
Purify us.
Let us start afresh, shaking off the former beliefs, rooted in tradition or superstition.
Wash us Lord Jesus, with Your blood
Purify us Holy Spirit, to think like You do O God
and Father, forgive us for defiling and diluting Your WORD.
In Jesus' name

And that my friend, is the A-Z of my prayer for you -
Stay in the Word of God.
Read the pure unaltered Word.
Make a date with God. Say more than a prayer...

When last did you say?
When finally in your bed you lay

When last did you say?
even when you forgot to pray

When last did you say?
at the end of a day

When last did you say?
just before sleep, as you drift away

When last did you say?
"Goodnight Father God"


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