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Gold medal prayer-walk

A gold medal represents some kind of reward. Yesterday I was rewarded for months and years of training and dedication. But not by one token only... As one of 55 000 participants, I queued for over 3 hours this week to collect my registration pack for the 2010 Walk-the-Talk event. While standing in that line, I saw a relative going past. I haven't seen her in many years and before I could greet her, she was gone... I took part in the competitive race which was over 30km. We started at 06:30 am and after about 2 km I started to pray as I usually do while I train. These were just some random things that I talked to God about and I also shared a few encouraging words with fellow walkers as we passed each other. Just after the half-way mark something very interesting happened. The Holy Spirit reminded me of a sign I saw earlier that morning. I still see it clearly: A big BLACK number on a WHITE background - the number "22". It is amazing how I was looking down at that moment,

21 laps for Uganda prayer-walk

During the week I felt an increasing urge to pray for Uganda. More specific for the area around Moyo in the North; an area that has been in war for over 20 years. The people are displaced and in need of many services and supplies. The first week first week of August will see a 3-day crusade in that area, and a visit to 2 camps for distributing clothes and supplies to many, many displaced families. "Winds of Holy Fire" and "Redemption Ministries International"-ministry teams will also be ministering to orphans and widows. I cannot go (I think) - but I will pray. On Saturday I was ready to start off on a long prayer-walk, to intercede and also to discuss with God what is on His heart... And how to pray and what to pray for. I planned this prayer-walk a little in the sense that I wanted to walk around one of the most modern athletic tracks in the area. I felt to take a pen and a note pad, and every time I completed a lap, I would stop and write down what the Lord said.

Walk-with-God prayer-walk

During race-walk training, I did one of my personal best times today. That is the boring version of my testimony of God's goodness... Here is the exciting version: As I passed the 8km mark I was in a bit of a competitive battle with 3 other athletes. Thoughts went through my head about my position - relative to the others. One was a bit ahead, the other almost next to me and the other just behind. The time-trial was too competitive for chatting, and we were training too hard anyway. So I just talked with the Lord as we went along. I explained to the Lord how I understand the positioning of the other athletes. I think the Holy Spirit laid on my heart to ask the following: "Lord, one athlete is there in the front the other here and another behind... but Lord ... where exactly are you walking in this race?" "Lord, if I race-walk like this, where are You walking ...?" He astounded me by gently whispering this into my heart: I am right in front of you... I am on your

OUTside IN prayer-walk

As I set out on an early morning training session; race-walking for 15km, I had only one thing in mind: to walk out 7,5km and back in a competitive time along that busy road. Walking out in the fresh (cold) air, all went well, but as I turned back the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart: "Just pray" When the Holy Spirit speaks ... especially when He speaks gently... I have come to realise that those are the times to really give heed. And I did... It broke my speed and brought my focus in another direction (a deeper way) As I walked, He lead me in prayer in the following way and He let me understand the following about when we pray its about what we do and what we pray during the day whether at work or at play This is what I heard him say: What are you doing on the outside? In other words - what do passers-by see you do? I answered that I was walking. People who see me, can see I am walking. The next question was interesting: What are you doing on the inside? In other words -

A-Z Prayer-walk [Actually Z to A]

I felt in my heart to go on a A to Z prayer-walk (Zandspruit to Allens Nek) The Lord laid 1 Peter 1:13-16 (The Message) on my heart as the theme: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives. Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn't know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, "I am holy; you be holy." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I started off at about half past eleven; I had a route in mind and set off in that direction. Everything was under control. Distance, timing, route and watering points along the way all lined up... Then the Lord spoke into my heart: " Want to turn down there? ... " That was a surprise

Pathway for Provisions

(Walk-back prayer-walk - Final Day) This morning was definitively the highlight of this week's prayer-walk. The dusty pot-holed road I walked today was the reason for this whole week's prayer-walking. This was the road the Lord used to get this week's intercession going. This was the road to which I looked forward to all week. It is only about 200 metres in length, but I estimate it has more rubble than what I have seen all week on all the other dirt roads combined. People seem to use this piece of road as a place to ditch their building rubble. You could almost describe it as a pile of rubble lying in a straight line ... And this is what the Lord spoke to me about today's road: Even though its dirty, damaged, dangerous and smelly, this road brings provisions for someone precious in the HIS sight. This short road connects the end of the tarred road to the Thandanani House of Refuge Each of the 45 children who has to date passed through those doors are indeed precious i

The Low-down on Slow-down (Walk-back prayer-walk - Day 4)

I felt a bit rushed this morning. I even wondered if I could do a ride-and-pray on today's dusty pot-holed road. And when God is so gentle as He is - and gives you the option to do it your way - BUT you know it would be better His way, I suggest you always always do it His way. As I parked and started walking towards the turnoff where the dirt road starts, I knew it was the right thing to do. If we are in a hurry, we won't see what He wants to show us. If we rush we will also not hear HIM. So I walked. And prayed. And it was a beautiful morning. And I walked. And I prayed ... You know the feeling - just doing something - and there is no spark or flame. And you stir the gift and you go through the motions ... That is how it felt. I asked the Lord what should I pray and how. The Lord lead me to the outskirts north of the city for today's dirt-road prayer-walk. As expected, this road was also full of pot-holes. And then, as I walked, expecting something but still feeling rushe